Unique Documentation System Aligned for ABA Supervisors and Supervisees
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This is a unique documentation system for supervisors and supervisees that contains an Excel file designed to align with BACB® Task List 5th ed. and provide all supervision documentation in one place. This product is not associated with or endorsed by the BACB®.
The download and purchase of the documents allows you to use the documents for yourself (personal use) and may be downloaded to a local hard disk extracted for your personal and non-commercial use only. It is asked that you do not redistribute this file to others that would normally have to pay for the document and instead you agree to refer individuals to this site for purchase of the document.
Below is a video explaining how to use the unique documentation system. Please watch this tutorial in order to know how to input data into the system and to learn some tricks for ease of use.
Be sure to make the purchase from a computer because you will be prompted to download the Microsoft Excel file and will be unable to save the file to a tablet or phone. All documents are in a Microsoft Excel file which can be edited and manipulated for your use.
This unique documentation system is aligned with the BACB® 5th edition Task List. This Excel file allows you to do the following with supervisees:
- Have supervisees input a daily log and breakdown of hours and activities
- Track information on all independent hours for each session
- For each supervision contact and supervisory period you can document the necessary information as required by the BACB® all in one document each month
- Track experience hours in alignment with BACB® Task List items
- Evaluate supervisee using a performance feedback system on BACB® Task List domain areas and other performance areas
- Automatic generation of graphs detailing:
- Total independent hours, total supervised hours, and total experience hours
- Total hours of individual versus group supervision
- Total number of supervision contacts and total number of observations of supervisee with clients
- Percentage of restricted versus unrestricted hours
- Percentage of types of activities engaged in for restricted and unrestricted hours
- Percentage of activities engaged in for each domain area of the BACB® Task List and individual Task List items to ensure supervisees gain experience across all BACB® Task List items over time
- Overall supervision performance for the month
- Supervision performance for each BACB® Task List domain
- Other performance areas, such as writing, communication, self-reflection, etc.
Looking for only a Unique Documentation System Aligned with BACB® 4th edition Task List? Check it out here!
Why not get a COMBO PACK of Unique Documentation Systems Aligned with BACB® 4th edition and 5th edition Task Lists for one low price?! Check it out here!
Why not get a COMBO PACK of Unique Documentation Systems Aligned with BACB® 4th edition and 5th edition Task Lists for one low price?! Check it out here!
References: All products' content were modified/adapted from public content available from various sources and no copyright violations are intended. References are the following:
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2018). BCBA/BCaBA experience standards. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB-bcbabcaba-Experience-Standards.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BCBA/BCaBA task list (5th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/170113-BCBA-BCaBA-task-list-5th-ed-.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017, October). BACB newsletter. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB_Newsletter_101317.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). Experience standards. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB_Integrated_1710_experience_standards_english.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2012). BCBA/BCaBA task list (4th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/160101-BCBA-BCaBA-task-list-fourth-edition-english.pdf
This unique documentation system has been designed to assist individuals that are Board Certified Behavior Analysts and supervisess working toward certification to assist in documenting their experience and supervision. Please note that by purchasing and downloading any documents from Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC you release Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC from all liabilities, including legal, ethical, and otherwise and may not hold Brian Conners, BCBA LLC legally or ethically responsible. Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of the data collected and logged as part of the system and you are required to follow the guidelines of the BACB for all experience and supervision requirements. You acknowledge by downloading and purchasing the documents that these documents in no way constitute legal or professional advice. You understand that by downloading and purchasing materials it is your legal and ethical responsibility to follow the guidelines of the BACB®. You also understand there is no guarantee this system would be accepted by the BACB® during an audit and you release Brian Conners, BCBA LLC from all ethical, professional, and legal liabilities associated with this.
Disclaimer: You understand that Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Site will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Site for the reconstruction of any lost data. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the site and the internet. Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC provides the site and related information "as is" and does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title or noninfringement, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with regard to the service, any merchandise information or service provided through the service or on the internet generally, and Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC shall not be liable for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any such transaction. It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise, and other information provided through the service or on the internet generally.
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2018). BCBA/BCaBA experience standards. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB-bcbabcaba-Experience-Standards.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). BCBA/BCaBA task list (5th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/170113-BCBA-BCaBA-task-list-5th-ed-.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017, October). BACB newsletter. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB_Newsletter_101317.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2017). Experience standards. Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/BACB_Integrated_1710_experience_standards_english.pdf
Behavior Analyst Certification Board. (2012). BCBA/BCaBA task list (4th ed.). Littleton, CO: Author. Retrieved from www.bacb.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/160101-BCBA-BCaBA-task-list-fourth-edition-english.pdf
This unique documentation system has been designed to assist individuals that are Board Certified Behavior Analysts and supervisess working toward certification to assist in documenting their experience and supervision. Please note that by purchasing and downloading any documents from Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC you release Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC from all liabilities, including legal, ethical, and otherwise and may not hold Brian Conners, BCBA LLC legally or ethically responsible. Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of the data collected and logged as part of the system and you are required to follow the guidelines of the BACB for all experience and supervision requirements. You acknowledge by downloading and purchasing the documents that these documents in no way constitute legal or professional advice. You understand that by downloading and purchasing materials it is your legal and ethical responsibility to follow the guidelines of the BACB®. You also understand there is no guarantee this system would be accepted by the BACB® during an audit and you release Brian Conners, BCBA LLC from all ethical, professional, and legal liabilities associated with this.
Disclaimer: You understand that Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC cannot and does not guarantee or warrant that files available for downloading through the Site will be free of infection or viruses, worms, Trojan horses or other code that manifest contaminating or destructive properties. You are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and checkpoints to satisfy your particular requirements for accuracy of data input and output, and for maintaining a means external to the Site for the reconstruction of any lost data. You assume total responsibility and risk for your use of the site and the internet. Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC provides the site and related information "as is" and does not make any express or implied warranties, representations or endorsements whatsoever (including without limitation warranties of title or noninfringement, or the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose) with regard to the service, any merchandise information or service provided through the service or on the internet generally, and Brian Conners, BCBA, LLC shall not be liable for any cost or damage arising either directly or indirectly from any such transaction. It is solely your responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of all opinions, advice, services, merchandise, and other information provided through the service or on the internet generally.