Brian Conners, Ph.D., BCBA presents locally and nationally on various topics in Applied Behavior Analysis, special education, and school psychology for organizations, schools, agencies, hospitals, etc. Furthermore, he has experience providing keynote presentations for state and national conference venues. He is also available for interviews for podcasts, radios, and television.
Workshops can be in the format of in-person or online webinars.
Length of Workshops
Workshops can be the length of a minimum of one hour upwards to a half-day or even full day workshop!
Workshop Topics and Descriptions
Presentations can be on customized topics designed and tailored for your organization's specific needs or you can select from a list of frequent presentations given by Brian Conners, Ph.D., BCBA below.
Understanding the Impact of Culture in Behavior Analysis: Ethical Considerations in Treatment and Supervision
Issues of culture and diversity have been discussed only recently within the field of behavior analysis. Standards for training in multiculturalism and diversity issues are lacking in the scope of practice of behavior analysts and within graduate training courses, fieldwork, and supervision (Conners, Johnson, Duarte, Murriky, & Marks, 2019; Beaulieu, Addington, & Almeida, 2018; Fong & Tanaka, 2013). This is concerning as culture can play an important role in the treatment of clients and families in the Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) service delivery model. Furthermore, behavior analysts can face unique challenges between culture and adherence to the Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s Professional and Ethical Compliance Code for Behavior Analysts. This workshop will provide knowledge to behavior analysts about the impact of culture in the ABA service delivery model, how culture plays a role in the supervision model, and offer participants a better understanding of how culture can influence a supervisor and supervisee during the supervisory process.
Multiculturalism and Diversity Issues in Applied Behavior Analysis
This workshop offers participants an opportunity to examine how multicultural and diversity issues can impact service delivery in Applied Behavior Analysis. An interactive discussion of potential ethical concerns are explored and how to overcome these dilemmas using an ethical decision-making model.
Restraint and Seclusion Use in Applied Settings
This workshop focuses on the ethical and legal issues around the use of restraint and seclusion in applied settings (i.e., schools, agencies, hospitals, etc.). This workshop can be tailored to meet your organization's needs and can include an interactive component on the development of best practice policies on the use of these procedures.
Managing Severe Challenging Behaviors
This workshop examines Applied Behavior Analysis interventions that can potentially be used to help reduce severe challenging behavior with clients, such as physical aggression, self-injury, property destruction, etc.
Praise from Participants
His background was what made him such a fantastic instructor. His stories educated us on what it is really like to work with students with developmental disabilities and his method of teaching got us excited to get back in the classroom ourselves.
-Sherilyn, University Attendee
Really enjoyed this! Very practical information. Feel well prepared to revise/strengthen my organization's policy.
-Anonymous Conference Attendee, Autism New Jersey Annual Conference
Dr. Conners is extremely passionate about special education and has helped me become extremely passionate too. He knows all of the content front and back. He is especially helpful with his real-life strategies that he has actually used in the classroom setting. He is one of the best instructors I have had.
-Anonymous, Workshop Attendee
Availability is filling fast for 2020-2021 so do not hesitate and inquire today!
- Conners, B. (2021, June). Diversity, equity, and inclusion in clinical practice: Considerations for ethical practice as behavior analysts. Invited workshop presented at the Oklahoma Licensing Behavior Analyst Board Meeting [virtual meeting].
- Conners, B. (2021, May). A working model of cross-cultural supervision in behavior analysis: Where we are and where we need to go. Invited workshop presented at the Oklahoma Licensing Behavior Analyst Board Meeting [virtual meeting].
- Conners, B., & Capell, T. (2021, April). Multiculturalism and diversity in ABA. Workshop presented to the Diversity Special Interest Group of the Florida Association of Behavior Analysis.
- Conners, B., & Capell, T. (2021, March). Developing an ethical and culturally responsive nonprofit organization. Workshop presented to the Autism Society of Indiana.
- Conners, B. (2021, March). Behavior analytic treatment with children and adolescents with dual diagnoses. Invited keynote presentation presented at the Commonwealth Autism Annual Conference, [virtual conference].
- Conners, B. (2021, March). Cultural competency in ethics and supervision in behavior analytic service delivery models. Invited workshop presented at the Commonwealth Autism Annual Conference, [virtual conference].
- Conners, B., & Capell, T. (2021, March). Understanding the implications of diversity and multiculturalism in the ABA service delivery model. Workshop presented to the Autism Society of Indiana.
- Conners, B., Bradley, A., Esquierdo-Leal, J., & Aguirre, A. (2020, September). How to promote cultural humility within and outside behavior analysis. Invited panel presentation for the Minnesota Northland Association for Behavior Analysis 2020 Annual Conference, [virtual conference].
- Conners, B. (2019, October). Developing school policy to reduce restraint and seclusion. Workshop presented at the 37th Annual Autism NJ Conference, Atlantic City, NJ
- Conners, B., Cicero, F., & Capell, S. (2019, May). Behavior analysts’ attitudes toward and perceptions of licensure versus certification. Poster session presented at the 45th Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Chicago, IL.
- Conners, B., Saydah, M., & Scalera, J. (2019, March). Restraint and seclusion in New Jersey: Bridging school professionals’ perspectives and public policy. Workshop presented at the New Jersey Council for Exceptional Children Spring Conference, Mahwah, NJ.
- Conners, B. & Massarelli, T. (2019, February). Reducing restrictive behavior management procedures: Strategies for school professionals. Workshop presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
- Massarelli, T. & Conners, B. (2019, February). School-based applications of restraint and seclusion: Updated implications for practice. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
- Conners, B. & Scalera, J. 2 (2019, January). Bridging policy and practice: Examining restraint and seclusion procedures in schools for students with autism. Poster session presented at the 13th Annual Autism Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, San Francisco, CA.
- Conners, B. (2018, October). Ethical and legal issues regarding restraint and seclusion use in schools. Workshop presented at the 36th Annual Autism Conference, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Cicero, F., Conners, B., & Schatzman, S. (2018, April). Ethics, professionalism, and policy: Considerations for sensitive and intensive interventions. Panel discussion presented at the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts Annual Convention, St. Louis, MO.
- Conners, B., Johnson, A., Duarte, J., Murriky, R., & Marks, K. (2018, April). Behavior analyst perceptions of graduate training and supervision in multiculturalism and diversity. Poster session presented at the Association of Professional Behavior Analysts Annual Convention, St. Louis, MO.
- Cicero, F. & Conners, B. (2018, January). Managing significant problem behavior in children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Workshop presented to medical personnel at Hackensack Meridian Hospital, Hackensack, NJ.
- Lucazj, P., Cacciaguerra, F., & Conners, B. (2018, February). Cultural incompetency in ABA service delivery models: Implications for future behavior analysts. Poster session presented at the 12th Annual Autism Conference of the Association for Behavior Analysis International, Miami, FL.
- Conners, B. & Saydah, M. (2018, February). Policy analysis on restraint and seclusion: Implications for school psychologists. Poster session presented at the National Association of School Psychologists’ Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Yankouski, B.,* & Massarelli, T. (2017, January). Ethical and legal issues on restraint and seclusion use in schools. Invited keynote presentation at the Macomb/St. Clair Psychological Association, Detroit, MI.
*Legal name change from Yankouski to Conners in 2017. All degrees, presentations, and publications under old last name of Yankouski are the degrees and work of Brian Conners, Ph.D., BCBA.